4 august 2014

The innovative regional cluster in the field of nanotechnologies is planned to create in Tatarstan. According to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, a model of rapid growth of nanotechnology industry is the implementation of strategic development of Technopark “Idea”.

The cluster will focus on the priority sectors of the republic economy, such as petrochemicals, machinery and new materials, automation and instrumentation, medicine and pharmaceuticals, as well as aviation and space sector.  During the project implementation there will be created small companies to provide queries of industrial enterprises of RT.

Technopark “Idea” will be a leading organization of the innovative cluster of Tatarstan and will provide methodological, organizational, informational, expert and analytical support of the development of the innovative regional clusters. The innovative cluster of RT will consist of leading innovative sites of Tatarstan, such as Technopolis “Himgrad”, Kama Industrial Park “Master” created by Technopark “Idea” in cooperation with OJSC “KAMAZ”, and Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok”, created by “Idea” together with OJSC “Tatneft” in 2004.

We would note that in this year innovation activity of Tatarstan is 10 years old. Technopark “Idea” takes an active part in the development of innovative potential of the republic. “Idea” is Russia's first technopark, which was opened on February 5, 2004 year. 

Tatarstan won a series of federal programs and competitions with the participation of “Idea”: Federal business incubator and high-tech industrial park, in which created Technopolis “Himgrad” and IT-Park; Nanotechnology Center. Youth Innovative Creativity Centers (YIIC) have been created in Tatarstan by the program of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Ideological inspires of the creation and development of YICC network in Russia were the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia and Youth Innovation Russia.

Today, Technopark “Idea” cooperates with the key development institutes of Russia: OJSC “Russian Venture Company”, OJSC “RUSNANO”, Fund “Skolkovo”, and the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology (FASIE).

Technopark “Idea” actively introduces the experience of the best global practices through performance assessment tools, used by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), in technoparks of Russia. Becoming a full member of the European network in 2010, “Idea” for three years was the only Russian technopark accredited in EBN. In 2013, full members of EBN became Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI) with the assistance of Technopark “Idea”.

“Idea” takes active part in the annual researches, conducted by EBN, and passes the annual certification, proving its effectiveness. This year Technopark for the fourth time has been accredited in the European network and entered the top 15 best European Business and Innovation Centers. Along with Tatarstan innovative platform in the top 15 also includes Atlanpole (France), Berytech (Lebanon), Gate Garching (Germany), Technoport (Luxembourg), Barcelona Activa (Spain), BIC Lazio (Italy), Ideon Innovation (Sweden), Hermia (Finland), Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal), University East London (United Kingdom), WESTBIC (Ireland), Innotek (Belgium), and South Moravia BIC (Czech Republic). In addition, innovative and business area of Taiwan is included in the Top 15.

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