5 august 2014

The Skolkovo Foundation began accepting applications for participating in project contest “Innovation in the oil and gas sector”. A winner will qualify for a grant in the amount of 5 million rubles.

Skolkovo together with leading oil and gas and oil service companies holds the contest “Innovation in the oil and gas sector”, reports press-service of the fund on July 22, 2014. The aim of the event is the selection of projects which have significant commercial potential and investment attractiveness in terms of improving the efficiency of oil and gas exploration and production.

The contest will be held in four categories: innovation in geological exploration; technology enhanced oil recovery; forming process and technology of the use of associated petroleum gas; information technology for the oil and gas sector. Projects will be judged on the scientific and technical innovation, competitiveness, and prospects of commercialization.

The winner of the competitive selection will get the right to submit an application to the Fund for the grant in the amount of up to 5 million rubles within 90 calendar days. Finalists will also be able to present their project to leading oil and gas companies, to get help in the development and mentoring support from Skolkovo and partners of the competition, as well as an invitation to the Startup Village-2015.

The contest is open to representatives of the scientific community (scientific research institutes, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Universities), independent teams, small and medium-sized innovative companies. Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2014. Contest partners are companies “Gazprom Neft”, “Lukoil”, “Runako”, “Bashneft”, Honeywell, Schlumberger and Weatherford. The event is supported by the Ministry of Energy of Russia.


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