7 august 2014

Enlarged meeting of the Board of Nanotechnology Association of Russia (NAR) and Tatarstan branch of the NAR on the subject “Organization of financing high-tech projects, international and Russian experience” has been held today at the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Among the participants of the meeting were President of Nanotechnology Association of Russia, CEO of NT-MTD Viktor Bykov, Vice-President of the NAR, Vice President of Gazprombank Boris Pavlov, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Tatarstan Shamil Ageev, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko and others. Among the guests of honor were Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Minegaleev, which opening the meeting, offered to hold it annually.

Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Director of Research and Development of International Nanotechnology Research Center (Polymate-INRC, Israel) and Nanotech Industries (USA, California), Academician of the European Academy of Sciences Oleg Figovsky told about possibilities offered by innovative projects in Israel.He gave examples of the selection of successful high-tech projects in Israel, and also talked about the role of government agencies in the development of start-ups. “Israel is a country that develops new technologies, and then sells them”, - said Oleg Figovsky.

A representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation told about measures of state support for start-up projects aimed at the development of the Russian industry.

Boris Pavlov told about the features of banking institutions work with startup entrepreneurs’ projects on the example of Gazprombank. He also gave examples of successful interaction with the leaders of high-tech projects.

One of the main issues of the meeting was the issue of the financing of high-tech projects. Sergey Yushko told about his 10 years’ experience in this field. He reported on the difficulties encountered by startup entrepreneurs, particularly, in the course of work with the banks during the processing applications for grant support. “It is important to support small businesses and show the correct way to solve this or that problem”, - said Sergey Yushko.

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