25 august 2014

What portions to give confidence to the contractors and how to “plant” customers on it: the tips of entrepreneur. In the 30s of the last century, studying the work of locomotive brigades, Soviet specialists have found that the level of accident rate is higher in communities where established the greatest confidence. Why should I check mate? I trust him. Modern management announced the trust is a strategy “win-win”, which increases profits, and it is profitable to an executor, and to a client. Whether the benefits outweigh the risks?

In Russia the excessive confidence of partners is almost a sign of weakness. The best qualities in the selection of the contractors and working with them are rigidity, uncompromising, fault-finding – “rod of iron”. Sometimes the presumption of guilt is generated the negative experience, but sometimes it is just an idea of the “right” style of negotiations.

To break through the wall is not easy, but if successful, the operation speed is increased threefold. From my experience I can say that when a relationship with the customer has the trust, a considerable amount of work is done without prepayment. One of our biggest customers- hotels, when we first started working with him, demanded a huge amount of data for each decision. The preparation was taken more than one working day of a whole team. Then the client for another three weeks was “mulling over” our proposals with management and staff. Then the development and implementation were dragging on for a weeks. Now for a few days we have time to make the finished product, and within a month the client receives the first results.

Western gurus are right: this approach increases profits from both sides. However, the paradox of trust is that, making steps towards each other, companies increase not only profit, but also risks.

Not with all you can use the technology of trust, for some it is more important to strictly dose it.

For example, openness is necessary for mutual trust. In Russia it is not very comfortable even to those who play fair and long-term results. Both parties should be interested in the development and actively assist in this to each other. If there is no willingness to experiment, trust remains empty words like “nice to chat, but do not know how to chop wood”.

Our client, a small Moscow hotel, regularly took us “unrealistic” requests. We shoveled mountains of information, trying to understand, going to work or not. It was expensive, but we gained a unique experience. The hotel also was taking a risk by introducing our experimental ideas.

The risk is hidden in the essence of trusting relationship - it can be easily and suddenly lose.

Something appears to the client, you did not fulfill the promise, and the confidence breaks down like a house of cards. One of our regular customers succumbed to the blandishments of  competitors – he was persuaded that another booking system better. The result was 70 percent drop in bookings for three weeks. Doubts about our objectivity cost him hundreds of thousands of rubles. We have suffered losses too, although smaller.

How to determine the dose of confidence and convince the customer in its safety? In business it is built on high-quality work. It is advisable to immediately agree that you will mean “the great work”, you need concrete indicators (in rubles, percentage, days). Sometimes it helps to guarantee the results specified in the contract and accompanied by a penalty for failure to perform. There have been cases when our clients have resorted to a third-party evaluation of the first results of the project and this helped defuse mistrust.

“Vitamin of trust” better feed up a customer often and a little.  The expected result should be divided into several intermediate indicators, so that the client sees the confirmation of the correctness of the course every 3-4 weeks. The strongest tool is open access in the internal system of the contractor, that he could see online how work is conducted on the project.

Most customers do not use this access, but can get it means a lot. A corporate culture of trust of a contractor can affect the relationship with the customer. If you “hand over” your experts in any problem, showing distrust of them, this will give the client. Remember, the customer tried to convince me to change his project manager. Oddly enough, my refusal and good feedback about the employee gave a better result than before in similar cases, agreed. The manager continued to engage in the project, and the customer has become more trusting him.

My recent negotiations with the customer have been swearing. I just could not get why company needs a website. “It is a business card”, — answered me. I tried to explain that this is a site category, but not the goal. You want to attract investors, find renters or sell the building? Customers were offended: are you going to teach us how to make our site?! We completely quarreled with the client and dispersed, as no regrets. I want to see in the client a partner who seeks to something, not just wants to “merge” the budget or to plug a hole. Their goals did not coincide with my never, and there is no technology of trust will help.



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