3 september 2014

Tatarstan Oil and Gas Chemical Forum has started today in Kazan. The Forum was opened by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Kirill Molodtsov, Deputy Head of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor)Svetlana Radionova, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan Baimyrat Khodjamukhammedov, and President of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia Gennady Shmal.

Speaking today at the opening of the Tatarstan Oil and Gas Chemical Forum, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov has called it an important event for the republic.

Rustam Minnikhanov expressed confidence that during the Forum will be discussed many interesting projects that will serve to promote the development of the industry.

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Kirill Molodtsov welcomed the participants of the Forum on behalf of the Minister of Energy. “Tatarstan Forum is an indicator of stability and effectiveness of the industry development in the region”, - said Kirill Molodtsov.

According to him, the Forum will allow to share best practices and to extend it to other regions of the Russian Federation.

Traditional Tatarstan Oil and Gas Chemical Forum is taking place in Kazan from 3 to 5 September, 2014. The Forum is attended by 216 companies from Russia and foreign companies from 14 countries. Resident of Technopark “Idea”, company “Module Engineering” and extraterritorial resident - the company “GKS” – have presented their activities at the Forum.

“Module Engineering” (individual entrepreneur S.A.Tsiulin), specializing in the production, installation and maintenance of instruments and equipment for automatic control, has presented two activities at the Forum: pipeline valves for the oil and gas industry and diaboxes.

Scientific and production enterprise “GKS” performs work for oil and gas, petrochemical, food and other industries. At the Forum the company has presented its own developments, among which were the pressure sensors.

It should be noted that within the framework of the business program of the Forum will be held on a number of scientific conferences, round tables on expanding the use of Tatarstan chemical and petrochemical products in the construction and road building.

Among the events of the Forum will be the International Specialized Exhibition “Oil and Gas. Petrochemistry”, Specialized Exhibition “Environmental technology and equipment of the XXI Century”, Specialized Exhibition “Plastic & Rubber”, Specialized Exhibition “Geo-Kazan: Geological survey. Geodesy. Cartography”.

Press-service of Technopark “Idea” by the press-service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

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