5 september 2014

Production of pressure sensors has been established by exterritorial resident of Technopark “Idea” – “Research and production enterprise “GKS” LLC - together with the anchor resident of Technopark SIEMENS AG Company.

One of the models of sensor, KM35, will be presented these days at the Tatarstan Oil and Gas Chemical Forum, which are holding in Kazan from 3 to 5 of September, 2014.

The pressure sensors KM35 are used for any measurements in all branches of industry. The sensors have an exceptional resistance to chemical and mechanical impact, as well as electromagnetic interference. Devices are equipped with advanced diagnostic functions: preventive and emergency signals of critical values necessary to monitor the process. Due to the diagnostics, it is possible to track intervals of maintenance and calibration.

The advantage of the model is aluminum and stainless steel. Construction with welded on the measuring membrane does not require the use of additional seals to reduce maintenance costs.

The pressure sensor can be used at temperatures ranging from -50 to +85 degrees Celsius.

Assembly production of “GKS” complies with the standards applied on the original plant of SIEMENS AG to manufacture pressure sensors in the town of Haguenau (France).

To date, there already have the first buyers – the largest oil and gas companies of Russia.


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