22 september 2014

Today the courtyard of Technopark “Idea” has turned into a sports arena, in which any employee of resident’s companies of Technopark could take GTO standards.  People of different professions and specialties, daily wearing formal suits, took neckties, watches and heels on half day to set their personal record in a particular standard and to compete for the main prize of “GTO-Idea”. The action was organized with the aim of uniting residents outside of the working environment and health benefits.

The competition was attended by about 100 specialists from 26 companies. Within the Action all standards were averaged for the age group 30-39 years.

The competition was opened by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, who met the standard of GTO on pulling up and passed the baton to the participants of the Action of “GTO-Idea”. In the course of further competitions men revealed the best in 6 standards (pull-ups, push-ups, kettlebell jerk, running at 60 meters, long jump, bending forward from a sitting position), and women - in 5 standards (push-ups, press, running at 60 meters, long jump, bending forward from a sitting position).

The total length of all jumps during the action was 174.83 meters. Men had lifted the weight of 16 kg 1,865 times, pulled up 621 times, and performed 3,188 pushups.

Each of the participants sought to put his personal record in each standard. The absolute record in the snatch weight was demonstrated by an employee of the company “Metrological Center STP” Ilnaz Gabdelov, raising a projectile 115 times.

Awarding of winners will take place on September 25, where participants will be issued GTO signs (bronze/silver/gold (imitation)), and companies whose employees have participated in the Action, will be awarded the cup.

Champions in the men's and women's category will be awarded with an annual subscription to a fitness club “Planet Fitness”.

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