25 september 2014

The results of the action of “GTO-Idea” have been summed up today in Technopark “Idea”. The action’s participants were awarded by CEO of Technopark Sergey Yushko, who thanked for their sincere interest and activity.

The action of “GTO-Idea” was held on September 22, 2014 in the courtyard of Technopark and was attended about 100 specialists from 26 resident’s companies. All standards were averaged for the age group 30-39 years, and the best were revealed in 6 standards (pull-ups, push-ups, kettlebell jerk, running at 60 meters, long jump, bending forward from a sitting position) in men, and in 5 standards (push-ups, press, running at 60 meters, long jump, bending forward from a sitting position) in women.

According to the results of the action in the team standings was the best team “Sovcombank”, whose representatives won 7 medals (3 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze). Team SmartHead brought in their piggy bank 6 awards (2 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze).

Record in the snatch weight (115 times), as well as in the bending (+30 cm) was put by Ilnaz Gabdelov (Metrological Center “STP”). Record holder in the running at 60 meters became R.G. Yunusov (“Sovcombank”), who ran the distance in time of 7.7 seconds. The best in the standard “Push-up” was recognized Timur Matiyakubov (Metrological Center “STP”), which pushed up 130 times.

Record in the long jump (210 cm) was set by Aigul Zaripova (Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan). Champion in the bending press (131 times) was Natalia Lobova (“Sovcombank”).

Absolute champions became Iskander Zagidullin (BulgarPromo) and Diana Chernova (SmartHead).

During ceremony the participants were awarded with signs of “GTO-Idea” (gold, silver, bronze and copper). Record holders of the action were awarded diplomas, and absolute champions received the main prize of the action of “GTO-Idea” – the annual subscription to the fitness center “Planet Fitness”.

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