29 september 2014

As an expert in the field of innovation I have often wondered why the speech must be completed with a series of questions and answers. Most of these sessions are usually held boring: a meaningless interlude before the coffee break. The format seems to me an unmeaning atavism, and it is ill-conceived attached to any performances. It is time to reconsider this practice.

Understand, I do not think it a bad idea to hold the session of questions and answers. At most events, the audience plays the passive role of the listeners, so it seems reasonable to give people the right to vote, to communicate with them directly and not on paper. But, alas, in nine cases out of ten the series of questions and answers is the blindest part of the event.

There are many reasons. Many speakers have problems with answers, but the fundamental problem is not this, but the inactivity of the audience and the low quality of the questions. From my personal experience about one third of the listeners, getting into the microphone, ask important questions. Another third or something stirs or sets so narrowly professional question that no one, except the questioner, it may not be interesting. And the last third do not ask questions - these people want to speak, and it seems to be good, but it is a little inappropriate in the format of questions and answers. And while these extroverts enjoy, 95% of the audience remains in the same passive mode.

Some solutions to the problems have already outlined. Sometimes conference organizers specially invite a moderator or use a computer program to sort the questions. Others are experimenting with radically new ways of events, even there is a movement against conference (unconference movement). But these solutions are often too expensive or take too much time, and therefore in many cases are not suitable to life. Here are four ways that I have used with great success - and they do not require special preparation.

Turn the questions and answers. Let the speaker asks the audience and offers to discuss it with neighbor. For example, I ask: “What is the main idea you have learned from this conversation? What are you going to change in your actions?” People like the opportunity to express their thoughts, and, in contrast to the traditional format, this allows to speak all at once. It also promotes communication between the audience, but this is lacking at many conferences.

Ask do not ask questions, but to express reactions. To work in a small group format of the questions is not so comfortable: some participants do not want to ask questions and want to express their views. Therefore, opening the session, clearly specify: “How did you accept heard? We welcome questions, but also comments that may not be formulated in the form of a question”.

Offer people to prepare questions in groups. A good alternative to the general session is a proposal to prepare the questions in groups. Say: “I ask you to break into small groups and for a minute or two to prepare questions or considerations, which may be of general interest to all present”. Walk through the audience, listen to the discussion. If you hear something interesting, ask the group to express this thought in general conversation, or even raise this question from the podium.

After the session, tell some final story. Because even a perfect session of questions and answers are often held very unpredictable, it is desirable that the session will not the final element. I always stop it for a few minutes before our time runs out, and finally tell another example of the subject. Thus, even if the exchange of questions and answers will be unsuccessful, you will still finish the speech as not a zilch.

These methods will help you to raise the performance to a new level. And what techniques - preferably simple – have observed or used you?

Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, Expert in the field of Innovation and author of a book “Innovation as Usual: How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life”.


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