9 october 2014

Film’s premiere “Love and Engineers” from the program of the Festival-2014 will be held on the 11th of October, 2014 at 5:00 pm in the auditorium of Technopark “Idea”. Admission is free.

The film “Love and Engineers” is for everyone who has ever felt self-doubt, who has loved to unconsciousness and was afraid to go out on a date. The author of the film together with his heroes tries to figure out what is love and amorousness, and is it possible to control them. All the difficulties of love and relationships are considered from the point of view of engineers. The heroes of the film talk about that period of the amorousness can be divided into 3 phases, and argue that the ability to fall in love with yourself is a skill that can be learned.

Expert Olga Shmeleva, family psychologist, NLP master practitioner, anchorperson of the section “Art of living” in the program “New morning” on TV Channel “Ephir”, will take part in the discussion of the film.

The organizers of the premiere of the film “Love and Engineers” are Federal Educational Program “Master Innovation”, Technopark “Idea” and the Center of Nanotechnologies of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The 4th International Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° is being held from 8 to 15 October, 2014. The Polytechnic Museum conducts it together with Skolkovo Foundation and Skolkovo Open University with the support of the Moscow Government. In the framework of the festival the audience will see 44 films from more than 20 countries.

This year the international competition program of the festival has included 13 movies. Their authors have become directors from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Israel, Canada, Norway, USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden and South Korea. In their works they talk about Internet addiction, the overpopulation, the principles of the camera obscura, the origin of intelligence, the psychology of love breaks and other interesting topics.

Non-competition program 360° consists of several thematic sections: “Life of remarkable people” (together with “Russian Venture Company”), “360°. Earth” (together with the Russian Geographical Society), “360°. Education” (in collaboration with Skolkovo Open University), “The program of interactive documentary “In.Doc.House”” and a retrospective of paintings by Felix Sobolev. The festival will present for the first time a program of scientific-popular films made in Russia.

Trailer http://360.polymus.ru/festival/films/1464/

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