9 october 2014

The Grand opening of the III Republican contest, which is held for the third year and is becoming more widespread and important, has been held today. The competition is organized by the Kazan National Research Technological University; co-organizers are Technopolis “Himgrad” and Technopark “Idea”.  In addition, the contest is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The purpose of the contest is the development of innovative potential of young people in economic and entrepreneurial spheres, providing young people opportunities to develop their own entrepreneurial initiatives, to get real support for promising business ideas.

The project has social and economic orientation, focused on the early identification of schoolboys who has the inclination for design and innovation activity and is an example of the practical implementation of an innovative model of school education. “Innovative polygon” will allow students to learn in practice about the latest scientific achievements of the universities of the republic and innovative infrastructure platforms and at the same time to get the opportunity of early career guidance in the ​​innovation sphere.

To participate in the contest are attracted students of senior classes of secondary schools, as well as elementary and secondary special educational institutions of the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan at the age of 14-17 years.

At the opening ceremony in the opening speech the Vice Rector for continuing education of KNRTU-KSTU, Professor Lubov Ovsienko told about the changes, the basic steps and concepts of participation in the third republic competition.

- This is the third contest. It has already established a positive reputation, because the winners of “Innovative polygon 2013” have presented their work at a large exhibition on the development of petrochemical industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, dedicated to the Day of the Chemist. These works have been highly appreciated by experts of oil and gas community and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The competition in 2014 became more popular, brought together 54 schools of the Republic of Tatarstan. The number of participants has doubled. Come up with new and those schools that had participated previously. In addition, the project is supported by the Association of project education, which has been established this year and includes the KNRTU-KSTU, Technopolis “Himgrad”, CJSC “Innovative Technopark “Idea”, IT-Park and others.

“The concept of the competition is that we do not just select the best, we are raising the pupils. Coming into the contest, they get additional competence, information and have a new communication environment. And we, as the University KNRTU, are interested in to come to us such creative entrants in the future”, - said the Professor.

Head of the Department of Public Relations of Technopolis “Himgrad” Natalia Lebedeva told about the purpose of the project:

- The purpose of the competition is complex and ambitious - to provide an opportunity for young talents at the stage of schooling to do real research activity and create their own innovative project. Such work requires not only theoretical knowledge but also the entrepreneurial flair, a good knowledge of the laws of the market, the ability to work in a team or to prove himself as a leader. This difficult art the contestants will be taught in the subsequent phases of the project.

Speaking at the ceremony of the launch of the project, Head, Senior Advisor of the Department of Scientific and Technical Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of RT Jalil Motygullin told that this competition will help the students to choose their future path, perhaps profession. “This year for the first time will be held a Festival of Science in November, which is also, as the “Innovative polygon”, will be in charge of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of High Professional Education “KNRTU”. Where for three days teams of municipalities of the republic will be showing their creativity in Kazan”, - stated the Senior Adviser. Also he added that the work that is being done by the KNRTU-KSTU, “Himgrad”, Technopark “Idea”, IT-Park and RGIIS, supported by the government, has great results.

- The winners of the previous years of the “Innovative polygon” participate in various events and thematic exhibitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of RT. We will continue to support the participants of the contest 2014 in tandem with the organizers and co-organizers of the contest”, - expressed confidence Jalil Motygullin.

Head of Analytical Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of RT Marat Akhmerov also addressed to the participants with parting words. He noted that the work of the contestants and the success of the winners of the “Innovative polygon” have a positive impact on the socio-economic situation of the republic and the country in general.

Deputy Head of the Development – the Head of Business Incubator State Autonomic Institution “Technopark in the sphere of high technologies “IT-Park” Lenar Khalikov talked about that should not be afraid and to do, and how can learn to make money from own ideas and promote it.

“Technopark “Idea” is glad to be a part of the “Innovative polygon”, - said the Head of the Department for External Relations and PR of the Technopark Evgeny Malikov. – I believe that the projects, presented here, will be developed in the future”.

“One of the components of the future is innovation. That is something you will now work. Watch, attempt, and try. This is very good thing, because your research is an advanced science, not only for Tatarstan, but also for the entire international community”, - stated the Head of the Academy of Creative Youth Marat Ismagilov. He expressed confidence that all projects that will be created, will find support and feedback from experts and organizers of the competition. And he invited the students to participate in the activities of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of RT.

Director of Training and Consulting Center of the Russian State Institute of Industrial Property Asiya Povarova said, addressing to the children, that if they want to change, to explore and to learn something - so we can be calm for our future. Citing statistics on patents, the Director said that in Russia is becoming more and more foreign companies engaged in scientific research, displacing Russian. She appealed to study and gain knowledge, and to promote the Russian manufacturer.

Welcoming speeches were made by the residents of Technopolis “Himgrad”. Marketer of the Group of Companies “Danaflex” Xenia Granko and Deputy Director of Human Resources of LLC “NPP “Tasma” Lyudmila Miroshnichenko told about the company, innovative products, and wished success to the guys.

Professors - experts from the KNRTU-KSTU told about the directions, which the pupils can select, about what one or another direction is doing and showed support for future ideas and projects of the students. So, there have been demonstrated in a choice of 6 main areas, in which the contestants can move: the chemistry of polymers and products from composite materials; biotechnology; innovation management, economic support of innovative projects; ecology; nanotechnology; energy conservation, alternative energy sources.

At the end of the opening ceremony of the competition was held the presentation of the winner of the contest “Tatarstan is the territory of the future 2013” in the nomination “The best innovative project” - team of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary school No.15 of Kazan”. The students presented their project on conservation of natural resources and shared their experiences in participating in the contest, and also told about their fate after the contest.

The next stage of the competition is in the interaction of the participants with expert-teachers of KNRTU-KSTU, accessed by students for support, after determining the topic of their project. Next there comes the stage of the business days and communication with successful businessmen attracted by “Himgrad”, which immerse students in the real sector of the economy. The contest ends public protection of projects and award of winners. However, the project continues to exist in the form of further training, a new study and participation in exhibitions. Thus, there is the invitation to further cooperation and development.

The press-service of Technopolis “Himgrad”

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