14 october 2014

Works on the fuel technology of the future on the basis of formic acid, projects on the structure of the interface between two immiscible liquids to increase the efficiency of the extraction of substances with a low concentration and calculation of profitability index to determine the ROI for drilling wells have been prepared for presentation by the students of the Lyceum-boarding school for gifted children with profound studying chemistry named after P.A. Kirpichnikov (the Lyceum-boarding school) on the baby unit InnoKids in the framework of the youth program of the Open Innovation Forum.

The forum is being held from 14 to 16 of October, 2014 in Moscow. The laureates of the regional qualifying rounds of the competition of engineering works “SH.U.S.T.R.I.K.”, youth innovation project “KUMIR” and the winners of various school Olympiads take part in the children's unit.

Within three days of the Forum, young inventors will participate in master classes: “Technokrash”, the basic principle of which is “to create with destroying”, where children will collect from the old technology, using different parts, new instruments. Under the motto “the future is in your hands” the participants of the master class “Global Lab” will try to create a device by which we can save our nature. At the master class “Definition of the Genome” they will have a unique opportunity to build a genome and to determine their DNA.

In addition to the educational program – attending lectures and master classes - students will visit the Research Center of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, the theatre of robots in the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, also they will be waited tour quest to Ostankino TV tower and in the Interactive Center at the Darwin Museum.

Kazan delegation has been formed on the initiative of Technopark “Idea” with the support of the All-Russian Public Organization “Young Innovative Russia”.

The baby unit InnoKids was created in the framework of the youth program of the Forum “Open Innovation” with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, and the Public Organization “Young Innovative Russia”.


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