21 october 2014

Today representatives of the media community of Afghanistan have met with the activities of Innovative Technopark “Idea”.

Head of External Relations and PR Evgeny Malikov told that “Idea” is the first technopark in Russia, which was opened on February 5, 2004. During this time the resident companies of Technopark have created over 400 new companies and more than 7,000 new jobs. By the end of 2013, the total volume of products, taking into account the exterritorial residents of Technopark, amounted to 7 billion 16 million rubles, which is almost 94 million rubles more than in the year of 2012.

Technopark is proud of the success of its residents. For example, the Scientific-Production Enterprise “GKS” was formed in Technopark in 2006, in the amount of one person - the Director Airat Sabirov. Now this company is the biggest player in the field of engineering in the oil and gas industry. The company “GKS” engaged in the production of automated accounting systems for gas and oil. The system allows reducing the error of the measurements from 1.5% to 0.25%. The company “Engineering and Innovation Center “Technomir” was created in the Business Incubator of Technopark “Idea”. Currently, the company is a design and manufacturing company that performs engineering work on the industrial and technological objects. Since its inception, the company has designed and implemented more than 60 of the control systems of technological objects on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Having got acquainted with the activities of Technopark “Idea”, the journalists noticed the impressive results. “In the future we will use your experience”, - said they.

Note that the press tour of the Afghan delegation in Tatarstan is being held from 19 to 22 October, 2014. The event was organized by the Foundation for Support of Public Diplomacy named after A.M. Gorchakov and the Center for the Study of Modern Afghanistan. Earlier, the Afghan media have visited the Republican Agency for Press “Tatmedia”, Volga region Academy of Sport and Tourism, IT-Park, Technopolis “Himgrad”, as well as editorial office of television and radio company “TNV”.

This is the fourth press tour of Afghan journalists and experts in Russia. Event organizers hope that it will contribute to the creation of a truthful image of Russia in the Afghan society, where not so many know about the co-existence on the territory of the Russian Federation of different nations, the members of which differ in their cultural traditions and religious beliefs.

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