23 october 2014

Friendly and close-knit team of professionals of IT-Park has been working successfully and productively for 5 years, conquering new peaks.

The history of the creation of one of the locomotives of the innovation economy of Tatarstan - IT Park began in 2006. It was then that the application of Tatarstan, made by Technopark “Idea”, to participate in the State program “Creation of Technoparks in the sphere of high technologies in the Russian Federation”, implemented by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, won. This program initiated IT-Park and Technopolis “Himgrad”.

The realization of the project of IT-Park creation, supported by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, and construction “from scratch” took a little less than 3 years.

For 5 years IT-Park has become a launching pad for many new entrepreneurs and companies, and its success is well-known in many countries of the world.

Now this is a unique business platform, which has concentrated a large part of the IT potential of Tatarstan.

The team of Technopark “Idea” shares with colleagues of IT-Park the joy of the festive event.

 We wish them health, happiness, creative achievements, prosperity and fruitful development!

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