5 november 2014

Partnership agreement on cooperation between Technopark “Idea” and Economic and Technological Development Zone of Yancheng (China) was signed in China.

The document was signed during the visit of members of the Board of Directors of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) in China.

The agreement is aimed at facilitating communication and cooperation, and to assist both parties in areas of mutual investment and market development. In particular, the agreement will increase the capacity of the input products and services of the residents of Technopark “Idea” on the Chinese market. In turn, Technopark will support Chinese colleagues, entering to the market of Tatarstan.

The agreement also provides for the exchange of personnel for short-term training. In the framework of the signed document will be visits with the aim of mutual promotion of investment policy.

The agreement shall enter into force from November 1, 2014 and is valid for two years.

Note that Chinese technoparks are actively cooperating with foreign partners. So, there were previously signed documents with Finnish companies. As a result of these agreements was the construction of four manufacturing plants in China with a head office in Finland.

For reference:

Technopark “Idea” is the first Russian Technopark, was opened on February 5, 2004. According to the estimation of domestic and foreign experts it became a pioneer in the Russian Federation and a unique federal training platform. It stimulated the creation of technoparks and business incubators in other regions of Russia. Technopark “Idea” actively implements the best world practices through the assessment tools of performance indicators used by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) for Russian technoparks. The “Idea” became a full member of EBN in 2010, and for three years was the only Russian Technopark accredited in EBN. In 2013, Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI) became full members of EBN with the participation of Technopark “Idea”.   As of year-end 2013, Technopark “Idea” made the list of the Top 15 European Business and Innovation Centre. 

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