13 november 2014

November 12, 2014 within the framework of the First Festival of Science Tatarstan schoolboys  visited Technopark “Idea”, where they were talked about the opportunities that they can implement in the walls of Technopark.

The students learned about the Republic project “Erudite” and nomination “Nano-IQ” that organized by Technopark “Idea”.

Press-secretary of Technopark Alsu Mironova also explained to them the conditions of participation in the Republic robotics festival and the possibilities of working in the Centers of Youth Innovative Creativity.

PR-Manager of the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Ekaterina Avdoshina told schoolboys about the application of nanotechnology in modern life. She also reported on competitions and projects in which students can participate.

The visit was concluded by a visit to the Nanotechnology Center.

Note that the Festival of Science, which was attended by 48 school teams from different regions of the Republic, was being held in Kazan from 10 to 12 November, 2014. During the Festival of Science students also visited Technopolis “Himgrad”, IT-Park and Lyceum for gifted children named after P.A. Kirpichnikov with in-depth study of chemistry. 

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