17 november 2014

If your company is engaged in foreign economic activity, and you are planning to start a business relationship with China, we can help you to understand the features of the export of this country, to tell about the peculiarities of doing business with the Chinese, to optimize operations and to minimize the risks when trading with Chinese businessmen.

The Center for Export Support of the Republic of Tatarstan offers you and your employees to attend a seminar: “How to export to China”. The workshop will be held on November 20, 2014 from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm at the address 18, Pushkin Str., Kazan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RT. Also in the framework of the seminar will be a presentation of “Banking products for the participants of the foreign economic activity”.

As lecturers will be Professor of the Department of Kazan Federal (Volga region)  University, General Director of Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Tatar Academy of Innovative Economies Management” Ildar M. Ablaev and Yury M. Lukin – practicing lawyer, lecturer at KFU, who has extensive legal practice associated with doing business with China.

This seminat is a training course that briefly and clearly describes almost all information about the specifics of export to China. Participation in the workshop will enable you:

- To learn about the features of the business climate of China;

- To disassemble the real case involving features of business behavior of Chinese businessmen;

- Chinese Business Etiquette;

- Overview of the regulatory framework for foreign trade with China;

- To receive a certificate of participation.

Participation in the seminar is free. The number of places is limited.

To confirm participation, please fill in the registration form, which is attached to this letter and send it to the address:  to November 19, 2014 inclusive. Details on the phone +7 927 440 60 86 (contact person - Rinaz Gaptrakhmanov).

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