20 november 2014

Residents of Technopark “Idea” (including exterritorial) have produced goods and provided services in the amount of 4 billion 762 million rubles for 9 months of 2014. The increase compared with the same period of 2013 is 7.8% (4 billion 418 million rubles). In all residents of “Idea” have been creating more than 420 new companies  and about 7,230 new jobs for 10 year of their work.

“Idea” is Russia's first technopark, which was opened on February 5, 2004 year. It stimulated the creation of technoparks and business incubators in other regions of Russia. “Idea’s” applications won several federal programs and competitions: “Creation of business incubators” (there was created and works Business Incubator “Sviyaga”), “Creation in the Russian Federation of technoparks in the sphere of high technologies” (there were built Technopolis “Himgrad” and IT-Park), the contest of OJSC “RUSNANO” on the creation of nanotechnology centers (there was established Nanotechnology Center of RT), the Program for the creation of the Centers of Youth Innovative Creativity (there were created  10 centers on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan).

“Idea” has made a great contribution to the formation of the system of venture investment in Tatarstan: in 2005 with the participation of Technopark for the first time in Russia at the regional level was conducted Venture Fair.

Since 2006, Technopark “Idea” together with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the science and technology sphere, the Investment and Venture Fund of RT, annually organizes the Program for the Development of Innovative Projects “Idea-1000”. Over the period 2006-2013, 1,932 applications were adopted on the Program “Idea-1000”. During the same period 390 projects were adopted to finance on the total sum of about 577 million rubles.

Partners of Technopark in the organization and provision of services are the Russian Venture Capital Association (RVCA), Russian Community of Business Angels (RUSSBA), the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), the Investment and Venture Fund of RT, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative enterprises in the sphere and technology sphere, the Russian Venture Company (RVC) and OJSC “RUSNANO”.  

Since 2010 technopark “Idea” is a full member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), which consists of more than 150 business incubators, technoparks and other similar organizations across Europe and beyond. By the end of 2013 Technopark “Idea” has entered the top 15 of the best European Business and Innovation Centers.

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