4 december 2014

We invite you to take part in a seminar “Measures to support small and medium-sized businesses”.

There will be presented existing opportunities that can benefit small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.  Among them: a grant for the development of production, government subsidies to reduce interest rates on loans, reimbursement of expenses for services patenting and certification, and marketing services.

Also in the program of the workshop will be overview of existing measures to support the enterprises of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry for Economic Development of Russia.

You will learn how to prepare grant applications and seek positive decisions on it, and who will be able to prepare the application for you!

You will be able to ask questions to the experts and get competent answers.

Date:  December 8, 2014 at 12:00

Address: the Center of Medical Science, 74a, Karl Marks Str., Kazan

The event organizer: the Regional Engineering Center “Center of Medical Science”

Conditions of participation: Free

For reference:

The Regional Engineering Center was opened in Kazan on May 21, 2014.

The main goal of the Center is the development and testing of medical simulators in 32 specialties necessary for the modernization of the health care system of the Russian Federation through the creation of simulation centres in the regions of Russia.

The initiator and partner of the Regional Engineering Center is a resident of Technopark “Idea” – company “Eidos–Medicine” (resident of the Foundation “Skolkovo”), representing the project’s core competences. Today “Eidos-Medicine” LLC is one of the top five global companies manufacturing medical virtual simulators.

One of the goals of creating the “Center of Medical Science” is the substitution of imported equipment and the development of our own modern developments in the field of medical simulation. The Regional Engineering Center plans output of the finished medical simulators on the international market.

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