8 december 2014

On December 11, 2014 a resident of Technopark “Idea” – company BulgarPromo will hold a training seminar, devoted to the problems of composition of the semantic core of the site. The most common mistakes and consistent scenarios of the formation of the semantic core, reflecting the stages of growing any business, will be discussed at the seminar.

The semantic core of the site is the foundation of the successful promotion of the company. If it is made correctly, reflects the marketing strategy and the strategy of the company’s competitive advantages. At this level of maturity and the adequacy of the world picture of the client can be safely expected that his goals in the Internet marketing are realistic and achievable. However, practice shows that, as a rule, the picture of the world of the client and his willingness to compete goes through a series of stages and undergoes a number of interesting transformations.

The seminar is designed to help the client to decide at what stage of maturity is his picture of the world of promoting the site and to prepare a forecast of the immediate results of its promotion and follow the formula development. This will be considered 5 scenarios of successive stages control the semantic core of the site. All these scenarios are taken from observations of real clients.

The following questions will be considered during the upcoming workshop:

  • What is the semantic core of the site and why we need it? Is it possible to overestimate the importance of careful consideration of the semantic core?
  • Typical scenarios - approaches to the composition of the semantic core: specifications, features, mistakes.
  • Increased competition in the market of Internet promotion. Strategic approach to the formation of the semantic core - the main weapon in the growing Internet marketing wars.

How the application of gained knowledge will affect the effectiveness of the website?

  • increase the number of visitors
  • improving the quality of traffic (increase in the share of targeted visitors)
  • increase in the average ticket
  • increase in the total cash flow
  • increase competitiveness

Registration is required. To register, contact the manager by the phone.

Date: December 11, 2014, beginning at 6:00 pm

Venue: Office 304, Technopark “Idea”, 50, St. Petersburg Street, Kazan

Contact information: 8 (906) 112 30 06, (843) 524 73 75

Pre-registration by phone is required!


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