15 december 2014

The company Product-test, resident of Technopark “Idea”, was included in the top four of socially significant startup projects of the year. It is the first Russian site on testing and expert evaluation of consumer goods.

The results of laboratory studies of popular consumer goods are published on the website, created by the graduates of the Columbia University - Almaz Ayupov and Wyeth Ford, as well as the largest venture capital investor in the Russian market - Igor Ryabenky. The products are tested in independent laboratories in Russia and abroad, and a team of experts consists of experienced engineers and scientists.

To date, there have been tested more than 900 popular consumer goods.

Currently, the project Product-test launches a format of direct links to the websites of online stores where you can buy products at the lowest prices. Website user will be displayed the lowest prices on the Internet for interested commodity. Unlike the well-known Yandex.Market is that the user will first be offered the most attractive options for him. Recall that Yandex.Market had been often criticized for the fact that it gives priority to sites that pay it the highest commission.

“The advantage of this model of monetization is in that it further strengthens our independence from manufacturers. We will earn a fixed commission, which will be paid by online stores, so we will not interfere with the producers, and place of certain goods in our ranking will not even have a theoretical impact on our monetization”, - said Almaz Ayupov.

Today, the most popular section of the site is the section of electronics (smartphones, tablets, laptops, video recorders), as well as the results of laboratory tests of shower gels, soaps, liquid soaps and baby products.

“The main uniqueness of our website is that you can compare the device on parameters that you are interested in, on the basis of independent scientific tests of the goods. There is no such on one Russian site, - said Almaz Ayupov. - For example, if it is important for you that the laptop should be the most powerful, you do not need to read reviews of laptops, look for information about power - just go to the page “Ratings of laptops” on, click on the column “Power”, and a list of laptops will be built from the powerful to the less powerful”.

And the plans of the team of the first Russian site on testing products are global: creating a truthful source of information in Russia, the issue of the Federal TV program and access to the markets of other countries.

For reference:

The award “Startup of the Year” was established by Business Incubator of National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in 2008 and annually is presented to the best startups, in the opinion of the business community, as the highest award for achievements in the creation and development of their own innovative business. The award winners will be determined by 7 nominations. The best socially significant startup will be recognized as a company whose business improves the level and quality of life of the society and is aimed at solving socially important problems or issues. Note that the nomination is not considered charitable organizations, as well as companies whose commercial customer is only the state.

In addition to the title of “Best socially significant startup” founders of the project Product-test will be competing in the category “Best startup in the opinion of the audience”. To support the guys it is needed to go to the website of the organizers ( and vote for them on December 17, 2014 during the award ceremony.

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