12 december 2014

December 11, 2014 Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree of the Government that introduced quotas for the purchase of state-owned companies from small and medium-sized businesses. About this he told himself at the meeting on the results of the implementation of the “road maps” of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). Medium-sized enterprises have access to the market of more than 100 billion rubles, said the Director of ASI Andrey Nikitin.

To increase access of small and medium-sized businesses for the procurement of state-owned companies was demanded by President Vladimir Putin during his address to the Federal Assembly. Now a compulsory quota is available only for purchases of government officials (15% of all contracts). From 2015 the quota of 18% will be set in the roadmap of ASI and for state-owned companies. The Ministry for Economic Development has issued a requirement in the draft resolution of the Government, which was to be adopted in October, 2013. But state-owned companies delayed its adoption. At first, they refused to quotas in principle, and then tried to reduce the number of procurement for small and medium businesses.

The quota of 18% remains, said the Head of the working group of ASI Sergey Fakhretdinov, but state-owned companies have still achieved some concessions. There was extended the list of exceptions to the procurement that are subject to quotas, he said, — for example crude oil and products, which are a source of radioactive and chemical hazards. At the meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov in November, it was decided to introduce quotas for the transition period, it follows from the Protocol of the meeting (it is in “Vedomosti”). From July 1, 2015, it will become mandatory for state-owned companies with revenues of more than 10 billion rubles, and from 2016 - for all others. Such terms are established in the decree, which was signed by Medvedev, said Fakhretdinov.

State-owned companies have complained that many orders exceed the maximum turnover of medium-sized businesses. In particular, the Vice-President of “Rosneft” Larisa Kalanda in a letter to the Deputy Minister for Economic Development Oleg Fomichev asked not to take into account contracts that are more expensive than 1 billion rubles (marginal revenue of medium businesses). The authorities did not support the idea, but agreed to expand the number of participants in the specialized trades for small businesses. Igor Shuvalov has instructed the Ministry for Economic Development to prepare proposals to increase revenue, in which the company refers to small and medium-sized businesses (now it is 400 million and 1 billion rubles, respectively). It is a question of Federal law, said the official of financial and economic bloc of the Government.

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