19 december 2014

The second internal selection of business projects for funding by the Venture Fund was held in Kazan by Promsvyazbank. The selection took place on December 16, 2014 at the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Tatarstan. The total amount of required investment was amounted to more than 45 million rubles.

The Commission was represented by six business projects of the republic entrepreneurs from different fields, among which:

• “Pulse” LLC with the concept of “Air”, combining a wind tunnel and “Aero” lounge bar;

• “ArtPrime” LLC - production and sale of tiles and paving blocks of rubber crumb;

• “Ennova Industries” LLC - development and production of 3D printers;

• Clothing manufacture “InterStyle” LLC;

• “2Day” LLC – coffeehouse network of the format “coffee to go” and espresso bars with its own bakery;

• RUFFS FIT – a network including a fitness center, an entertainment and hobby center, a training center.

According to the results of the selection, three projects were recommended to the Venture Fund for further analysis on investment. They are: “Pulse” LLC, causing the real interest of the Commission by its idea of extreme form of recreation; “ArtPrime” LLC, its business idea has also a social burden in the form of caring for the environment; as well as “Interstyle” LLC.

“All of the six projects were interesting and ambitious, with an ardent desire to grow their business. Each participant has received valuable advice and recommendations of the Commission members. I wish you all to achieve your goals, and the best to reach a qualitatively new level with the support of the Venture Fund”, - commented the Regional Director of the Kazan branch of OJSC “Promsvyazbank” Elena Saburova.

“The selection was very interesting. It is encouraging that among the projects was the project come from the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea” - the company ENNOVA. About a year ago, the authors of the project – schoolchildren and students collected their first printer, and now they are seeking investors. Of course, the project has been failed, but was defended. And this is a new step in business development”, - said CEJ of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko.

To learn more about the Fund and to apply for funding can be at the link

For reference:

OJSC “Promsvyazbank”, Moscow (year of foundation is 1995) is one of the leading Russian private banks with assets 905 billion rubles and own funds (capital) 108 billion rubles as of October 1, 2014 according to the Russian Accounting Standards. Company “Promsvyaz Capital B.V.” owns 88.25% in the authorized capital of the Bank, 11.75% is belonged to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Bank has the following long-term ratings of international rating agencies: “BB-“ by Standard & Poor's (stable outlook), “Ba3” by Moody’s Investors Service (negative outlook), as well as individual credit rating of “AA+” of the National Rating Agency. The Bank’s network comprises around 300 points of sale in Russia, as well as a branch in Cyprus and representative offices in Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and India.

The press-service of Promsvyazbank

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