14 january 2015

High Technology Park of Yugra has become a full member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN).  This decision was taken on January 7, 2015 in Brussels by the EC-BIC Quality Mark Committee (European Community Business & Innovation Centre).  The status of the full member suggests that all requirements relating to the work of the BIC, followed by Technopark in full, and it corresponds to European standards.

To join to the Network Technopark of Yugra has passed several stages of accreditation, including the audit, which took place in October, 2014. Experts from EBN were Manager Internationalization of the Agency for the Development of Business and Innovation of Lappeenranta “Wirma Lappeenranta Oy” Eeva Pihlajaniemi (Finland) and CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko (Russia). In the framework of the audit were presented the main activities of the High Technology Park of Yugra and key performance indicators. The auditors examined the premises of Technopark, got acquainted with the activities of the Center for Prototyping, the Center for Cluster Development, the Regional Engineering Center and laboratories. In addition, there was the meeting with representatives of the resident companies of Technopark, where they presented their innovative projects.

Experts gave a high assessment of all criteria of the Technopark work, main of which are: mission, quality, services and organization processes. As a result, the European Business and Innovation Centre Network approved full membership of the Technopark Yugra for a minimum period (3 years).

The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) is the leading European Network, bringing together about 150 technoparks, business incubators and venture capital centers around the world. Membership in the EBN will allow residents of Technopark - small and medium-sized innovative companies - to take a more active part in the European innovative programs, to attract to the development of the Technopark additional sources of funding.

The EBN’s aims and objectives are as follows:

  • to support and encourage interaction between EBN members;
  • to promote the European BIC model, the BIC quality trademark on behalf of the European Committee;
  • to promote progressive business incubation practices among the members and to provide existing small and medium companies with services to support the innovation activity and entrepreneurship;
  • to create European Programs that would bring added value to both the members, their clients and the regions in which they operate.

To date, only four Technoparks of Russia are EBN members. The first full member of EBN became Technopark “Idea”, which is now actively implementing the experience of global best practices through the performance assessment tools used EBN, in Russian technoparks. “Idea’s” activities in this area attract more and more attention of foreign colleagues. In 2013, the status of the full members of the Network was received by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Business Incubator (KRITBI) and Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok.

According to the materials of the press service of the Yugra Technopark

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