15 january 2015

The company SKB Kontur together with public organization “OPORA RUSSIA” holds the all-Russian competition of short videos “I'm a businessman 2015”.

Participation in the competition provides an opportunity for every entrepreneur who owns a small or medium-sized business, to receive money on its development and to talk about his business for the whole of Russia. The winners will receive 300 and 200 thousand rubles for the development of business, according to the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

All that you need to participate is to take any camera or gadget three-minute video with a story about your business and post it on the contest website https://kontur.ru/ib2015  until January 27, 2015. An important condition:  the roller should not be advertising, and business owner or team must appear in the frame.

This year the organizers have increased prize money and divided it into two parts. The winner, chosen by the jury, will receive 300,000 rubles. And a leader of the voting on the website of the competition will get 200,000 rubles. Also there have been established three special nominations from partners of the competition. The prize from the Foundation for Internet Development Initiatives is the participation in acceleration program; from the community of entrepreneurs “Business Molodost” - a certificate for 300,000 rubles for training programs, and from the publishing house “Alpina Publisher” - a set of business literature.

The jury of the competition “I am a businessman 2015” consists of six experts:

-        Dmitry Potapenko, Managing Partner of Management Development Group, Inc;

-        Dmitry Kalaev, Director of Acceleration and Educational Programs of the Foundation for Internet Development Initiatives;

-        Olga Smirnova, Project Director and Head of Project Office of SKB Kontur;

-        Anna Sokolova, Chief Editor of the “Business” section of the online newspaper “The Village”;

-        Sergey Turko, Chief Editor of the Publishing Business Literature “Alpina Publisher”.

After the video will appear on the contest page, you can invite to vote for it friends and partners. The maximum “likes” will provide the grand prize in the category “Internet voting” and will increase the chances of winning in the main category “Choice of the jury”.

Please note that the organizers will constantly audit the suspicious votes and “wound” will be cancelled.

Last year participants were more than 200 business owners from all over Russia, and 300,000 rubles went to the entrepreneur from Dolgoprudny city, situated near Moscow. The support of the fans helped the Children’s health center “Zdravstvyi” to take 1,976 votes and exit among the finalists, and the jury decided to encourage consolidation in this business of commercial and social areas.

Who will be the winner this year will be known on February 5, 2015 in Moscow at the Forum “The territory of business – the territory of life” - the final of the competition “Business Success”.

Telephone for information: 8 (843) 204-41-77.

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