16 january 2015

The resident of Technopark “Idea” – the company “Gradient Technology” – became the finalist of the contest of scientific-research and experimental-design works “Neftegaz”, held by the Energy Efficient Technology Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The company introduced a project of an innovative method of conducting passive seismic imaging for oil and gas potential for the competition. The feature of the method is to study the noise of the earth, processing the received data and making predictions about the location of the deposits. As explained by the authors of the development, over oil field ground noise sounds different than where there is no oil. Therefore, the technology allows you to precisely define the contours and the depth of oil deposits diameters less than one kilometer, and shale reserves.

For reference:

“Neftegaz” is the competitive selection of innovative projects in the field of improving the efficiency of exploration and production of oil and gas. During the competition are considered projects that have significant commercial potential and investment attractiveness. The jury is composed of representatives of partner companies and industry experts, who select the most promising projects. In 2014, the experts reviewed more than 120 projects.

LLC “Gradient Technology” is focused on the development, commercialization and support of high-tech software and hardware solutions for processing and numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex geological environments for the problems of the oil and gas industry. From September, 2013 the company is a resident of the IT-Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation.

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