21 january 2015

Today residents of the Kama Innovative Territorial Production Cluster have met with the activities of Technopark “Idea”. During the visit the guests have known about the features of the developments of company “Eidos”, about the possibilities that are opened to schoolchildren – the students of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea”, and also have learned the activity of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Head of External Relations and PR Evgeny Malikov told residents of the Kama Cluster about the history of Technopark “Idea” establishment and interaction with European partners. He said that every year the republic budget is received about 200 million rubles in the form of taxes of unified social tax and personal income tax from Technopark site. For 10 years the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan has received 1.3 billion rubles. Currently, 100 resident companies are working in Technopark “Idea”, where work more than 1,800 employees.

Residents of Technopark work on such profiles as engineering services, logistics, consulting and other.

One of the brightest residents of “Idea” is the company “Eidos”, which experts have told residents of the Kama Cluster about their developments in the field of medicine and robotics. The guests also have tested the medical equipment of “Eidos”.

Head of the Laser Center of RT Nikolay Nasonov told the guests about the developments of the Center, as well as explained the specifics of the equipment for laser cutting and engraving on metal.

The visit of residents of the Kama Cluster has ended by visiting Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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