Chairman of the Executive Board of RUSNANO Management Company LLC Anatoly Chubais: «Tatarstan is one of the regions leaders in the development of nanotechnology»

29 january 2015

The first plant in the world to produce single-walled carbon nanotubes can be built in Tatarstan Republic. It was told on January 28, 2015 in the RT Government House at a meeting held by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov with participation of the Chairman of the Executive Board of RUSNANO Corporation Anatoly Chubais.

Before the meeting its participants were presented an exposition, demonstrating the potential application of carbon nanotubes as additives in automobile tires, batteries, composite materials, concrete and cement, plastics. Additives even fractions of a percent of nanotubes, according to experts, significantly improve the existing properties of materials, as well as add new ones. So, for example, carbon fiber becomes a conductor of electricity, which allows painting carbon fiber parts by usual method.

Opening the meeting, President of the Republic of Tatarstan noted that RUSNANO is a long-time and reliable strategic partner of Tatarstan Republic and thanked Anatoly Chubais for support rendered to all RUSNANO projects that are currently implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Rustam Minnikhanov reminded that in 2011 an agreement was signed on cooperation between Tatarstan and RUSNANO, the main results of the implementation of this agreement are the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, cooperative long-term target program for the development of nanotechnology in RT, the plant “Danaflex-Nano”. In the universities of Tatarstan in specialties related to nanotechnology are more than 900 students.

According to Rustam Minnikhanov, 120 companies and enterprises are involved in the production of nanoproducts. The volume of production of nanoproducts has reached 34 billion rubles in 2014. “Our companies saw new possibilities of nanotechnologies”, - said the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

“Of course, the use of nanotechnology requires efforts and developments, but we - the largest manufacturers of rubber chemicals, polymers, automotive components, and we are interested in the possibilities offered by nanotechnologies”, - said Rustam Minnikhanov.

The head of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais, in turn, said that Tatarstan remains a priority region for the company for all projects. “The project that we are discussing today, from my point of view, it may be a flagship project not only for RUSNANO, but also for Russia as a whole”, - said Anatoly Chubais.

According to him, the carbon nanotubes as universal additives to various materials have a number of remarkable properties. “But so far, there is being continued competition to develop its production on an industrial level”, - said Anatoly Chubais.

“We believe that we have solved this task better than anyone today”, - said the head of RUSNANO. According to him, now in Novosibirsk operates a pilot reactor with a capacity of 5-10 tons of carbon nanotubes per year, while its price is 50 times less than that of foreign analogues, obtained in laboratory conditions.

“It will be a universal extension material for a wide range of applications - in metal, plastic, cement, - said Anatoly Chubais. - At the same time improving the properties are achieved with minimal additives of nanotubes”.

The company Ocsial - subsidiary company of RUSNANO” - in addition to the already existing in Novosibirsk experimental reactor plans to build there the first semi-industrial production with the capacity up to 50 tons per year. “And the main industrial center, if our estimates are correct, we would like to build in Tatarstan”, - said Anatoly Chubais.

“If we see that in Tatarstan there is potential demand, we will make a decision on the construction of the first industrial plant with a capacity of up to 250 tons per year”, - said Anatoly Chubais.

In an interview with reporters the head of RUSNANO gave more details about the project. “The world is a powerful challenge to see who will be the first to transfer the production technology of nanotubes and its application in materials in real industry, - said the head of RUSNANO. And we have reason to believe that we have achieved this. We have built in Novosibirsk the reactor, which enables the production of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a price 50 times lower than exists in the world”.

Answering the journalists question about why the site for construction of the plant chosen Tatarstan, Anatoly Chubais said: “In Tatarstan we have made a lot of successful projects: the company “Danaflex”, which implemented a fairly unique technology and actively working Technopark “Idea” together with our Nanotechnology Center”.

Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov, in turn, told journalists that the analysis of the potential consumption of carbon nanotubes in RT has been instructed to hold until June 1, 2015. “We hope that this project will be implemented and will be implemented in Tatarstan”, - said Ildar Khalikov.

As part of the meeting was also held an exhibition of RT enterprises, producing products using nanotechnologies. Developments were presented by LLC “Danaflex-Nano”, LLC “Izvarino Pharma”, Kazan Federal (Volga Region) University, KNRTU-KAI, KNRTU-KKhTI, company “ArtPraym” and others.

In particular, the Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” presented pressure sensors with exceptional resistance to chemical and mechanical effects, as well as electromagnetic interference.

During the exhibition, KNRTU-KKhTI talked about the self-regulating heating cable based on thiokol sealant used in the heating of roofs and protecting it from ice.

Scopes of the project are different, but Anatoly Chubais advised to concentrate on one segment.

The company “ArtPraym” presented paving tiles, which are made from recycled tires.

The press service of the Technopark “Idea” according to the press service of the President of RT

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