10 march 2015

There are required small and medium-sized companies with the necessary competencies for the development of design documentation.

Technical requirements for packaging line of the bulk materials:

The approximate capacity of the line depending on the kind of the bulk material and type of packaging is 60 - 300 kg/h. The minimum capacity is 60 kg/h for hanging of 250g.

The principle of operation is continuous.

The mass of the bulk material in the canister (the bank) is from 200g to 400g and from 1000g to 1500g. Accuracy is ±2g. The method of dispensing of the bulk material is weight.

The packaging line must be universal (adjustable) for two types of containers. In-line it is necessary to provide for application of the labels on the cans, and possibly – applying changing information on the label. All elements of the installation must ensure staffing (long-term) operation:

  • at an ambient temperature (+10...+30)0C,
  • at a relative humidity (not less than 75%).

The life of the packing line of the bulk materials before the first overhaul is not less than 5 years. As part of the universal packing line must be include:

- the feed conveyor cans;

- the dispensing device;

- the feeder and close the lid;

- the labeling device.

The list of developed normative-technical documentation:

- working drawings to the packing line;

- passport of the packing line (after manufacture);

- operating manual.

Questions and commercial proposals are accepted at:

Contact person: Natalia I. Pomazkina tel.: +7(843) 570-68-50 ext. 93-41

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