13 february 2015

A new rubric “How are you” has been released at the business portal, in which entrepreneurs from different segments tell how they overcome the crisis in the economy.

Director for Development of SmartHead Maxim Busarev (resident of Technopark “Idea”) within the framework of the project told the portal that the company reduces non-production costs and is going to recruit more staff.

“Currently, we do not feel strongly that the “outside” of the crisis. Rather, there is a feeling of uncertainty, a reasonable concern about the events. With the new year the number of incoming requests for our services has not decreased. We have a great team. And with the beginning of the “crisis”, I noticed that project managers began themselves to be more proactive in dealing. I even think they had a tiny spark of excitement in their eyes”.

“Of course, we slowed down until the implementation of our “wishes”, which required non-production costs, for example, have postponed the purchase of expensive auxiliary equipment. The main thing for us now is not to lose people. To reduce the staff does not intend, on the contrary, we consider candidates for our positions and even accept new employees. By the way, the “crisis” may play into the hands due to the appearance on the market of a large number of high-level professionals, and we are ready to consider their resume”.

Dear residents, you can also join the rubric and tell about your own experience - new solutions, optimization of costs, methods of attracting customers, etc.

All details on the website - in the article

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