17 february 2015

Features of the ecosystem as an object of knowledge-intensive world-class management have been discussed today in the Technopark “Idea” by CEO of Technopark Sergey Yushko and doctoral student of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Alexander Tittel. The participants of the meeting, among whom was the head of the Department of Management of the Institute of Economy, Management and Law (Kazan) Elmira Shaimieva, talked about the conditions of occurrence and factors of development of ecosystems.

The most interesting was the question of interaction between participants of the innovation ecosystem. On the example of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the participants of the meeting about the purpose of creation of technology parks in Russia, about their difference from foreign innovation centers and the dialogue between Russian industrial parks within the country and with foreign colleagues. In particular, he said that since 2010 “Idea” is a full member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN). The Network was created about 30 years ago by the largest European companies and brings together 153 business innovation centers from 37 countries.

Sergey Yushko said that in 2014 Technopark “Idea” for the fourth time confirmed the status of the full member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN). According to the results of the activities and by a number of parameters “Idea” is superior to its foreign partners. Compared with the average member of EBN, the residents of “Idea” have created in 6 times more new jobs and in comparison with the Russian technoparks - EBN members - 1.2 times during 2014.

During the meeting Alexander Tittel told about his scientific work. He demonstrated the system and parameters of performance evaluation of the interaction between innovative infrastructures in the ecosystem.

Also during the meeting, Alexander Tittel visited the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For reference:

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is the oldest technical institution of higher education in Germany and the fourth in Europe after Prague, Paris and Vienna technical universities.

In the present form has existed since October 1, 2009 – there were united the University of Karlsruhe (ger. Universität Karlsruhe (TH)) and the Research Center of Karlsruhe (ger. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe).

In 1888, at the University of Karlsruhe Heinrich Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves, and two years earlier he and his pupil William Hallvaksom first systematically studied the photoelectric effect. Hertz’s successor on the post of head of the Department of Physics, Otto Lehmann performed here in the early twentieth century, the fundamental work on the first study of the properties of liquid crystals. Hertz’s colleague on the same chair, Professor Ferdinand Braun developed here in 1897, the first version of the cathode ray tube. In 1860, on the basis of the University was held the first World Congress of Chemists, on which the advocates of chemical atomic theory in a bitter struggle with its opponents have won. An active participant in this Congress was Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

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