25 february 2015

A new rubric “How are you” has been released at the business portal, in which entrepreneurs from different segments tell how they overcome the crisis in the economy. You can join the rubric and tell about your own experience.

General Director of the Laser Center of Tatarstan (resident of Technopark “Idea”) Nikolai Nasonov diversifies his business and enters the Russian market in the crisis:

"Our company is a real production, so for us, the crisis is affecting the same way as for other sectors of the economy.

We may face a reduction in orders. In this case, we are ready to offer to the market a new range of laser systems, materials for laser engraving and cutting machine, which will be affordable to the customer as low-income, and high. In 2015, we have delivered three laser systems for various purposes in industrial enterprises of Tatarstan.

In 2015, we will open the Kazan Laser School for children”.

CEO of the project of consumer goods comparison (resident of Technopark “Idea”) Almaz Ayupov says that the company continues to rise in the crisis, but not as quickly as planned:

“Results of laboratory tests of consumer products are published at shower gels, soaps, baby food, water filters and other products. We earn on that show consumers links to the cheapest selling these goods on the Internet, so people could buy them at a low price.

Because of the crisis, people began to buy less, so we are growing, but a bit slower than planned. People save and try to buy only quality products. In general, of course, the crisis will be felt at all levels, particularly will be difficult for small and medium-sized businesses, as bailing out big business has already allocated significant funds for the reserve fund.

Monopolists and close to power companies will survive, but small businesses will find it difficult to survive”.

Do you have something to say? You have not given up and do something every day? Then share your experience with the Internet portal and our readers! Write to the editor of the column Karina Karimova marked “How are you?”

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