3 march 2015

The issues of standardization of innovative technologies and innovative products have been discussed today in Technopark “Idea” by the Head of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Alexey Abramov and CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Sergey Golubev, Director of the Federal Budget Institution “Krasnoyarsk Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM)” Vasily Morgun, Director of the FBI “CSM of the Republic of Tatarstan” Farid Tuktarov and others.

Sergey Yushko introduced the guests with the activities of Technopark “Idea” and its residents. He noted that for 11 years of its work in Technopark were established more than 7,500 jobs and more than 450 companies had the opportunity of localization. The annual turnover on the site of Technopark “Idea” in 2014, taking into account the extraterritorial residents, amounted 8,108 billion rubles, including nearly 2.9 billion rubles - the volume of nanotechnological products.  Today, some of the residents of Technopark “Idea” are the largest companies in the medical and robotic clusters of SKOLKOVO, and the anchor residents of “Idea” are in the TOP 10 of world’s largest brands.

For example, a resident of Technopark – the company “Technomir” participated in the creation of transport systems of ESPO oil. The company has designed a number of training systems and measurement of the flow of oil at key nodes into account. Sergey Yushko said that solutions are always non-standard: “Otherwise the large companies, who have someone to carry out orders, would not work with them”.

During the meeting the guests got acquainted with the developments of a resident of Technopark “Idea” – the company “Eidos”, which started its operations in 2010 with the production of auto-simulators. Currently the company is engaged in not only the development of auto and air simulators, simulators for emergency services, military equipment and navigation, but also in the development and manufacture of medical simulators. Now the company is developing a new trend and is developing a robot of the third generation.

After examining the activities of Technopark “Idea”, Alexey Abramov noted the positive experience of the relationships between Technopark residents, the company “RUSNANO” and CSM of the Republic of Tatarstan in terms of interaction changes in building regulations, as well as in the interaction with the metrology institutes.

From the leadership of the Federal Agency was also shown interest in the work of Technopark residents employed in the accounting of energy.

Technical Director of the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Igor Kasko told Alexey Abramov about the activities of laboratories of the Center. He said that the Nanotechnology Center of RT focuses on 3 main areas - polymeric and composite materials, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. The Center’s infrastructure is located on two sites - in Technopark “Idea” and Technopolis “Himgrad”. Test and analytical complex includes 9 laboratories that are equipped with unique equipment. It allows to conduct research in the interests of project companies of the Nanotechnology Center of RT, universities and research centers, and industrial enterprises of the region.

Pharmaceutical unit is located on the site of Technopolis “Himgrad”. This laboratory and industrial complex allows to implement a series of works that are associated with the development, production and quality control of drugs.

Following the visit to the Nanotechnology Center of RT, there was suggested the possibility of using laboratories of the Nanotechnology Center in the real sector of the economy, using features of CSM of Tatarstan, in particular, was discussed the opportunity to work through CSM of RT on a contract basis.

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