4 march 2015

In Russia 20-25% of the standards are made up at the expense of the business, and in the world more than half of the standards are created directly by private companies. This has been announced today at a round table “Transfer of innovative technologies. The role of normative and technical tools” by Deputy Head of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Alexander Zazhigalkin. The round table, which was held in Technopark “Idea”, was also attended by General Director of the Fund of Infrastructure and Educational Programs Andrey Svinarenko, Director of the Federal Budget Institution “Krasnoyarsk Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM)” Vasily Morgun, Deputy Director of the FBI “Test S.-Petersburg” Galina Ivanova, Director of the FBI “CSM of the Republic of Tatarstan” Farid Tuktarov, representatives of universities, as well as heads of small and medium enterprises of Tatarstan.

Alexander Zazhigalkin reported that the standard cycle of technological change of regulation is approximately 5-7 years: “Today, there is a certain acceleration, but according to the standards of the international organization for standardization, it is believed that the technology develops successfully, if there is a need and the standard changes for every 5-7 years”.

Alexander Zazhigalkin also noted that due to the standardization enterprises reduce costs, increase production efficiency and reduce the cost price of a product.

“Most importantly that the standard gives - it is an opportunity to impose an advanced technological solution to society and on the basis of this standard push the market. About 0.9-1 % of the GDP grows at the expense of the standard. The effect with counts of patents and licenses is much higher. To date, companies are actively involved in this process. Many large companies are being connected”, - said the speaker.

During his speech Alexander Zazhigalkin noted low-activity work with universities. “The participation of universities in innovation is a very important issue. I have examples of the work with Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman, where have been developed about 70 standards in the field of welding. At this university there are a number of developments in biometrics, which then were introduced to the work of the migration service. But if you look at the interaction between our technical committee with universities, the figures are quite sad; this is the maximum 5-6 educational institutions”.

During the round table Andrey Svinarenko told about the elimination of barriers to market entry of innovative products of nano industry. He noted that it is necessary to modernize existing regulation and concerted actions of the parties working on the regulations. At the same time, according to the speaker, there is importance of the work on the standard.

Entrepreneurs of Tatarstan during the round table asked questions, they wanted, to Rosstandart leadership. So, a representative of the Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” said that the company has to work according to international standards: “Our company is engaged in the development of accounting systems and metrological support for the oil and gas industry. Today in the Russian standards is very little information on the metering of liquid gas”.

Alexander Zazhigalkin said that now within the framework of the import substitution program work is being done on a separate block for standardization of gas equipment. In the course of this project will be examined the standards of large corporations. The speaker also noted the possibility of transfer standards of corporations in national standards. “In this process, from my point of view, it is necessary to participate. By the end of the year, the project will definitely be prepared”, - stressed Alexander Zazhigalkin.

Photo report from the event in the “Photo Gallery”

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