16 march 2015

Autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects” (ASI) offers entrepreneurs to participate in a survey, which will form the basis of a project “National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Russian Federation”. Paying just 5 minutes of their time, entrepreneurs can contribute to the improvement and development of the investment climate of the region and Russia. The surveys are anonymous, it is held by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research. It is planned to interview more than 50 thousand entrepreneurs across the country and up to 3 thousand experts, who are able to give a balanced assessment of the quality of the institutional environment in their regions.

The purpose of the rating is to evaluate the effectiveness of the efforts of regional authorities to improve the investment climate of the region. The rating methodology includes 50 indicators in four areas: “Regulatory environment”, “Institutions for business”, “Infrastructure and resources”, “Support for small business”.

The progress of the project was discussed on March 12, 2015 during the ASI videoconference, which was attended by Deputy Director of Corporate of ASI Vera Adaeva, head of representative office of ASI in the Volga Federal District Raphael Zaynutdinov and other heads of representative offices of the Russian regions.

Since November 2014, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in cooperation with leading business associations has provided the full deployment of the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Russian regions throughout the country.

The results of the rating of 2014, as well as best management practices on the basis of pilot testing of the National Rating in 2014, can be found here:

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