1 april 2015

Accepting applications for the First All-Russian Competition “SH.U.S.T.R.I.K. – 3D ENGINEER” has been launched from April 1, 2015.

The participants of the contest should develop a model of the detail in one of the graphic editors and present their project, made on modern equipment - 3D printers, laser machines and milling cutters.

The competition is held among schoolchildren and students of organizations of additional education (10-18 years), college students (15-18 years). The winners will be determined in two categories:

• Students of 10-18 years;

• College students of 15-18 years.

According to the organizers, the contest promotes the involvement of pupils and students in the project activities, to develop skills of invention, design, modeling and implementation of the developed projects.

The aim of the competition: the involvement of talented students in science and technical creativity and the implementation of innovative projects.

The competition is held in two stages. During the regional qualifying stage (April 1 - April 30) contestants must present a virtual 3D model. The winners of the regional stage will present the printed model in the framework of the Federal qualifying stage, which will be held from May 1 to May 30.

The results of the contest will be held in June 2015. The names of the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony. In addition to the diplomas the winner will be awarded with a 3D printer IRON. The second place winner will receive supplies for 3D printer, and the participant who won the third place will be able to increase the level of knowledge of 3D modeling.

Applications for participation in the competition must be sent to the address:

In Tatarstan the regional stage of the contest is overseen by the General Director of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, head of the project “Creation of a Network of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC) in Tatarstan” Nikolai Nasonov. He explained that at this time there is starting accepting applications and already have the first contestants.

Nikolai Nasonov also told about his expectations from the works: “Tatarstan is one of the most innovative regions of Russia, where great attention is paid to children’s creativity. Therefore, I am sure that the number of applications from Tatarstan will be one of the biggest”.

Note that for the youth of Tatarstan, wishing to participate in the competition, is opened a hotline phone: 258-91-52 (9.00-17.00).

For more details you can also follow and in social networks: Instagram, twitter - @cmit116; group in the “Vkontakte”

The competition is organized by the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia jointly with the Russian Public Organization “Young Innovative Russia” and the winners of the National Rating “TechUspech” with the support of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific-technical sphere, LLC “Ennova Industries”, Kazan State Energy University and the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea”, created in the Technopark “Idea”.

The position of the competition

The task for the participants

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