2 april 2015

9 days left to complete the receipt of applications to the program “UMNIK”. The program provides financing for development (to the level of commercial applications) ща scientific and technical ideas for the past two years. The amount of funding is 200 thousand rubles annually. The selection of the first and second year of participation in the program is on a competitive basis.

The main objective of the program “UMNIK” is to discover young scientists, who seek self-actualization through innovation, and to encourage mass participation of young people in science, technology and innovation activities through organizational and financial support of innovative projects.

Participants can be individuals from 18 to 28 years inclusive (as a rule, students, graduate students, young researchers), selected on an accredited program events. Every year around the country are selected from 1,000 projects.

Number of prizes is not predetermined and depends on the quality level of each work and the ability of the bidders to present their project.

The decision to continue participation (the transition to the second year) is adopted by the Expert Council, taking into account the results of the participant of the Program in the first year and with condition to the fulfillment of all Program requirements.

The selection of participants is carried out in 5 areas:

  1. Information technology
  2. Future medicine
  3. Modern materials and technologies of its creation
  4. New devices and hardware complexes
  5. Biotechnology


Criteria for selection of winners are:

  1. Scientific novelty

The proposed idea must be new, first formulated by the bidder. The project should reflect scientific researches, resulting there appears the idea, as well as the conditions necessary for its implementation.

  1. The relevance of the idea

The idea, formulated in the project, must be relevant to solving contemporary issues and challenges in a particular region and in Russia as a whole.

  1. The technical significance of a product

The idea, formulated in the project, must be technically significant, i.e. it must have a decisive influence on modern equipment and technology.

  1. Plan for implementation of the idea into a final product

The implementation plan from the initial stage (idea) to the finished product (operational technology).

  1. The prospect of commercialization

Potential future product should have the opportunity of introducing to the market, industrial applicability and particular consumer. This criterion must demonstrate how the participant has rated the market for a new product, has studied the portrait of the potential consumer, has studied the risks of commercialization and measures to reduce them.

  1. Assessment of own capabilities

This criterion assesses whether the participant is ways and means of protecting his rights (including intellectual property), the presence of a desire to create his own enterprise, the existing reserve to the realization of the project (equipment for holding research and development, contacts and arrangements with potential partners, the presence of ability to attract additional investment).

  1. The keenness on the idea

The identity of the speaker and the quality of presentation of work play an important role in the positive perception of the project as a whole.

For participation you can contact to Farida Gainullina and Evgeniy Lazarev:

Tel: +7 (843) 570-68-50 (ext. 9324 or 9341)

E-mail: gf@tpidea.ru, lazarev@tpidea.ru

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