15 april 2015

The qualifying round of the Russian Championship “Iron Entrepreneur” will be on April 28, 2015 at 11.00 am in Technopark “Idea”.

The championship is series of business games, in which participants propose possible ways of applying new technology, together with the team choose the most promising product, work on a business model and make a striking presentation of the proposed solution.

“Iron entrepreneur” has been held since 2010. For 5 seasons it was attended by over 7,000 people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The championship helps educate professionals who will be able to develop production processes and to introduce new technologies. Games form new partnerships in innovation.

The main organizers of the Championship are Business Incubator of National Research University of Higher School of Economics, Management of Innovative Activity of NRU HSE (Moscow) with the support of Innovative Technopark “Idea”.

Games season 2014/2015 takes place all over Russia and CIS countries. As of April 2015 there have been already more than 20 games before the final of the Championship, which will be held on 5-6 June in Moscow, it is planned to hold about 30.

In the qualifying round in Kazan teams will be offered a case for innovative technology, on the basis of which within 1 hour participants will have to come up with a product for business and present it in front of an expert jury in the format of a pitch presentation.

To participate in the championship are invited active young people (under 35 years) interested in the development of entrepreneurial and business skills: schoolchildren, students, graduates, young entrepreneurs and others.

Participation in the game is for free, please register here.

Contacts for additional information in Kazan:

Oksana Romanova, Technopark “Idea”, the coordinator of the Kazan Championship Game:

+7 (843) 570-68-50 ext. 9749


Business Incubator of HSE:

33, Kirpichnaya Str., Moscow, 105187, Russia

+7 (905) 710 9363 maykopova@hse-inc.ru

The official site of the championship “Iron Entrepreneur”: http://zhp.inc.hse.ru

Innovation Management HSE:

Building 1, 8, Pokrovsky boulvar, Moscow, 8109028, Russia

+7 (495) 725-30-83



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