21 april 2015

II Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “Project 3D Sphere. Additive Technologies. Open Dialogue between Professionals” will be held on 22 April 2015 in Kazan at the site of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev.

The purpose of the event to introduce the technologies of 3D printing, the news on the 3D hardware market, the features of the practical application of 3D technologies that are currently being used in various industries and business.

The conference is focused on as a business audience of professionals, businessmen, investors and existing players in the market of 3D hardware, as well as consumers of 3D technologies, which will receive competent information on a high expert level.

For maximum effectiveness the program of the event has been designed taking into account the needs of the participants and visitors. Blocks of the speaker’s speeches will be built on the principle of dialogue with the audience, where you can ask all your questions at all levels of competence of listeners.

Special attention will be given to innovative developments and technologies, used in the equipment and its operation. There will be shown and described in detail examples of the application of additive technologies and scanning in famous international and domestic projects and industries.

The Conference will be specially invited technical expert on 3D equipment of the world’s largest developer and manufacturer of 3D equipment - the company “3D systems” - Dr. Herwig Knut, with which participants will have an opportunity to talk informally during the breaks of the event and the discussion periods after each performance.

In addition, representatives of educational institutions will talk about shared experience gained in the training activities, developers and producers will share the technical features of the equipment. Representatives of the mining industry, small and medium-sized businesses, and professional users of technologies will share their experiences of practical implementation of their own projects and solutions of their own production problems.

The Conference will be held at the site of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev in the conference hall (2nd floor) of academic building No. 8 at Chetaeva Str., 18a (German-Russian Institute for New Technologies). The event starts at 10.00 am, registration at 9:00 am.

Applications for participation should be sent by e-mail: forum@abs3d.ru. The participation is free. Registration is required.


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