27 april 2015

The qualifying round of the Russian Championship “Iron Entrepreneur” will be on April 27, 2015 at 11.00 am in Technopark “Idea”.

60 participants – students of Kazan universities and specialized secondary schools – have been selected for participation in the championship.

In the course of the business game “Iron Entrepreneur” participants are invited to join together in teams of 4-5 people and to develop a business idea based on innovative technologies. It is necessary to come up with ideas as much as possible of applications of the technology and choose the most promising from a commercial point of view. For selected idea, participants must develop a business model, estimate the amount of the prospective market, define a target audience and methods of promotion for a new product, as well as to prepare a presentation in Power Point. And all of this needs to get done in an hour!

Then the teams take turns in the format of an elevator pitch (3 minute presentation) will present their business ideas to the jury, which consists of representatives of investment funds and communities, private investors, successful entrepreneurs and representatives of well-known companies. The team with the best results shall be invited to the final which will be held on June 5-6, 2015 in Moscow.

The championship is organized by Business Incubator of National Research University of Higher School of Economics, Management of Innovative Activity of NRU HSE (Moscow) with the support of Innovative Technopark “Idea”.

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