30 april 2015

The results of the regional stage of the First All-Russian Competition “SH.U.S.T.R.I.CK – 3D ENGINEER” have been summed up today in Kazan.

It has been submitted 15 works from different cities and regions of Tatarstan.

The participants of the competition were developing a model of a detail in one of the graphics editors and have provided their project, made with modern equipment – 3D printers, laser installations and trimmers.

Works of different directions have been presented to the jury, which consisted of the Head of the Department of Engineering Graphics of Kazan State Power Engineering University Victor Rukavishnikov, General Director of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolai Nasonov and Director of the company “Innova Industries” Iskander Mukhamedyarov.

At the end of the contest the 3rd place was won by the project “MKS” of students of the IT-Lyceum. Second place was won the team of Lyceum No. 2 of the Moscow district of Kazan. The children presented three projects at once. The first place was won by the pupil of the 9th class of school No.20 of Almetyevsk Arslan Safiullin with the project “Rosetta”. The Grand Prix was awarded to pupils of school No.53 of Naberezhnye Chelny for the project “Floating mini - hydroelectric power station”. The winners of the Grand Prix will represent Tatarstan at the All-Russian Competition, the results of which will be announced in June in Moscow.

“It is important that children of Russia from an early age became acquainted with modern technologies, new markets, - said Nikolai Nasonov. - For the additive technologies - the future. Therefore, we organized the All-Russian Competition “SH.U.S.T.R.I.K.- 3D engineer”. For the first place winner will receive a 3D printer of Tatarstan production, the first models, which were developed by students of CYIC “Idea” in Technopark “Idea”. Now these guys are deploying production in Technopolis “Himgrad”.

The contest was organized by the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia together with the Russian public organization “Young Innovative Russia” and the winners of the national rating “TehUspeh” with the support of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, LLC “Ennova Industries”, Kazan State Power Engineering University and the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity “Idea”, established in the Technopark “Idea”.

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