1 june 2015

To help visually impaired people while walking, to move on a given route and to keep at the same time the exact distance between them - robots of participants of the Fifth Annual Republican Robotics Festival are capable of all of this and not only.

The festival, which has taken place today in Technopark “Idea”, has brought together more than 60 students from different cities and districts of Tatarstan. In addition to the participants the event was attended by more than fifty citizens who want to see competitions of robots and talk to their young creators.

Best traditionally have been identified on the four categories:

  1. Racing on the line (in the shortest time a robot, by following the black line, should get from the starting point to the place of finish);
  2. Sumo (participants are required to prepare an autonomous robot that can most effectively push the opponent’s robot beyond the black line of the ring);
  3. Kegelring (in the shortest time a robot, without leaving more than 5 seconds of the circle, outlining the ring, should push pins arranged in it);
  4. Creative category (there are estimated projects, collected through LEGO - microcomputer RCX or NXT, but unlike the major category in their design can be used not only LEGO parts, but also other materials).

Unlike previous years, this year the participants have focused on the traditional competition – sumo and kegelring, where the number of participants was the highest, and the students, presenting their work in a creative category, was less.

A special feature of this year has become a great interest from the citizens:  to look at the competition of robots in Technopark came over half a hundred guests: “The Son saw the announcement in the Internet and persuaded to come to you. I took children’s day at work and here we are”, - often heard from visitors.

It is important that the number of regular participants of the festival grows each year; we can already say that this year, more than half of the children have come to the traditional Republican competition for the second or third time.

And this year fans of robotics have waited with interest for the presentation of creative works, in particular, developments of Arthur Lukyanov (Boarding school of innovative technologies No. 36, Naberezhnye Chelny), who last year presented to the jury of the world’s first working prototype of the helmet for the visually impaired and blind people, assembled and programmed in Lego.

This year Arthur has presented a glove for the blind and visually impaired people. Ultrasonic sensor of the glove measures the distance to an object, the processor calculates this value and passes on the vibration motor signals with different intensity. The motor works with a different power, allowing a person determines the distance to the object: the farther away the object is, the smaller the intensity of the motor. The development of a schoolboy took 2-3 months.

“If the helmet I had done under the guidance of my father, this development has fully complied with my own”, - said Arthur.

The eleven-year-old schoolboy plans to create a printer that will print in Braille, as well as to improve existing models of the helmet and glove for the visually impaired.

According to the results of the contest prizes were distributed as follows:

The category of “Racing on the line”:

1. Kazan Suvorov Military School of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation (Kazan);

2. Center for Children’s Technical Creativity No.5 (Naberezhnye Chelny);

3. Center for Children’s Technical Creativity No.5 (Naberezhnye Chelny).

The category of “Sumo”:

1. The House of Children’s Creativity (Pestrechinsky district);

2. Makulovskaya Secondary School (Verkhneuslonsky district);

3. Boarding school of innovative technologies No.36 (Naberezhnye Chelny).

The category of “Kegelring”:

1. Tatar gymnasium No.2 at the Kazan Federal (Volga region) University (Kazan);

2. Tatar gymnasium No.2 at the Kazan Federal (Volga region) University (Kazan);

3. Center for Children’s Technical Creativity No.5 (Naberezhnye Chelny).

The creative category:

1. Boarding school of innovative technologies No.36 (Naberezhnye Chelny);

2. Kazan Suvorov Military School of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation (Kazan);

3. Center of Lego construction at Technopark “Idea” (Kazan).

Video reports of the competition can be viewed here and here

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