8 june 2015

On June 9-10, 2015 CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko will be with the working visit in the Republic of Belarus. The purpose of the trip will be to study the application of carbon nanotubes in production. In Belarus there are scheduled talks with the leadership of the company “Belshina”, with the Management Company of holding “Bobruiskagromash”, which produces agricultural machinery, and with the Minsk city Technopark.

Recall, that on January 28, 2015 in Kazan Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov and Chairman of Board of LLC “Management Company “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais discussed the initiative of creating the world’s first plant for the production of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Then Anatoly Chubais noted that the carbon nanotubes as a universal additive to various materials have a number of striking properties: “It will be a universal additional material for a wide range of applications - in metal, plastic, cement. At the same time improving the properties are achieved with a scanty supplements of nanotubes”.

According to the head of RUSNANO, there have conducted experiments on “Nizhnekamskshina”, that show the improvement of consumer qualities of automobile tires when making carbon nanotubes. “Now it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the potential scope of application of nanotubes in the construction, petrochemical, automotive industry of Tatarstan. According to our estimates we are talking about tens of tons, – said Anatoly Chubais. - In this case, we propose to build in the republic the world’s first industrial plant with a capacity of 250 tons of carbon nanotubes per year”.

Note Technopark “Idea” has a positive experience of cooperation with enterprises of the Republic of Belarus. For example, holding “Bobruiskagromash” and resident of LLC “Idea-Yugo-Vostok” (a subsidiary company of Technopark and OJSC “Tatneft”) - a company LLC “AgroIdea” jointly produce agricultural equipment: tipper semi-trailer PST-6, grain loading machines ZZ-50, press collector PRF-180.

To date, LLC “AgroIdea”, which sells its products in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Samara and Orenburg regions, the Krasnodar and Moscow region, has about a hundred specialists. The company produces 29 items of agricultural machinery. The plant provides import-substituting production of agricultural machinery manufacturers such as Fliegl, LMR, Amazone (Germany), Pronar, Metal-Fach (Poland), Anderson (Canada). The plans for the current year include the development of a new type of baler, equipment for making organic fertilizer and automatic irrigation system.

The press-service of Technopark “Idea” according to the press-service of the President the Republic of Tatarstan

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