9 june 2015

The final of the All-Russian Championship of the business game “Iron Entrepreneur” was held in Moscow on June 5-6, 2015. The competition brought together more than 120 students from 20 regions of the country. Among them was the team of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, who won in Tatarstan stage of the competition, which was held in Technopark “Idea”.

The Championship is a series of business games, in which the participants propose possible ways of applying new technology, together with the team choosing the most promising product, working on a business model and make a striking presentation of the proposed solution.

The final case was built on the technology of “smart nose”, which was integrated into an accurate measuring device for the detection of smells “Sniffer”.

Tatarstan students presented a project close to their specialization: “We have proposed to use the same device for determining the presence of harmful contaminants in the soil and air on the territory of the land (for construction or to grow food or livestock), - said the student of KSUAE Katerina Tuisina. - It is important at the stage of site selection for comparative analysis of different options and choosing the most environmentally friendly”.

According to the authors of the development, the proposed technology is so arranged that with its help any person will be able to carry out all the calculations, as it will have a special plate with the admissible rates of the content of those or other substances.

The technology is useful and for farmers - it can help determine a number of useful elements in the soil, allowing you to choose the right fertilizer, etc.

According to the results of the competition jury, which included business coaches, business leaders-accelerators, determined the best project – a development of the team from the city of Podolsk, focused on the problem of food spoilage in the refrigerator.

The winners of the Championship will take part in the delegation of the Russian start-up community in Singapore, where they can get acquainted with the digital-accelerator of the Southeast Asia JFDI.Asia, the Russian Venture Capital Fund with headquarters in Singapore Layf.Sreda, the largest IT-companies, the Russian Embassy in Singapore, the local start-up projects and successful entrepreneurs.

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