10 june 2015

Portal continues the heading “How are you”, in which Tatarstan entrepreneurs talk about how to survive and develop in the crisis. In this issue are residents of the Kazan Technopark “Idea”.

Segment: production of components for the petrochemical industry

The head of the company “Scientific and Technical Center “HimArt” Vitaliy Fedorenko is not see the need to consider the crisis only negative phenomenon - due to the new conditions, the company expects to receive new orders for import substitution.

“Our company selects and develops additives and compositions for highly efficient treatment of oil wells, so the current economic situation has had a certain negative impact on the company’s operations. Basically, it affects the delay of payments, the deficit of working capital and the increase in prices of goods and services.

As counter-measures are being performed the optimization of costs, better planning and management of projects, including promising. We are working more closely with client companies on issues of execution of work, payment and schedule of events. The company does not feel pessimistic about the prospects. We try to set new goals and objectives in the field of chemical engineering solutions for the petroleum industry, including the related with import substitution”.

Segment: Engineering

Chief Accountant of Engineering and Innovation Center “Technomir” Elena Zhestkova said that during the crisis the company is fully provided with orders.

“We are design and production company that performs engineering work in industrial enterprises and technological objects with the use of innovations and modern equipment.

The current state of the company can be called satisfactory: for 2015 we are fully supplied with orders. In the future, of course, we hope for the best outcome of events and the improvement of the economic situation, but we are ready to work hard: all will not be easy”.

Segment: graphic and web design

General Director of the design studio Alto Vision Maxim Bulatov tells how in difficult times companies find ways to adapt and new customers.

"Web Studio - a rather flexible organization: they can be quickly compressed, you can expand, but is difficult to completely" burst. "In general, we are fine, but something that we have taken. It can not be called anti-crisis measures - rather workflow.

Firstly, we optimize processes, but not the state. People – the main thing. We have new online tools to improve team work and communication with customers, two new project managers and designer. As a result, we have received more orders, are closing time current and have time to relax together.

Secondly, our work is dependent on clients. We can not call the majority of the current projects, but as for the spheres, it is a site for a large IT-company, conceptual online gift shop, website for former Kazan startup, growing already outside the republic. Business of customers are very different, however, they are not afraid of change.

Thirdly, we often influence the business processes of the client – simplify the flow of orders through web technologies, improving interfaces for the convenience of users, increase the brand loyalty of the customer’s company. This largely explains the previous paragraph. Companies find it profitable to solve many problems online”.


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