15 june 2015

The agreement on cooperation between the Guangdong Association for Science & Technology (GDSTA) (China) and Innovative Technopark “Idea” have been signed today in Kazan.

The signatures in the document were put by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko and Vice-President of the Guangdong Association for Science & Technology Mr. Wu Huang.

The delegation of Guangdong province has familiarized with the activity of Technopark and noted a large number of contact points from children’s robotic creativity to projects in the field of nanotechnology. The Nanotechnology Center and a resident of Technopark - company “Eidos” – have also become the subject of increased attention by colleagues from the Association. During the presentation of the company “Eidos” and one of their projects – the robot of the third generation, there is appeared an idea of a new application of this development in the service of the stained glass windows of skyscrapers.

A wide range of issues to be discussed at today’s meeting, from the protection of intellectual property rights in the creation of joint projects to the application of carbon nanotubes in the automotive industry had an opportunity for further detailed study together with Chinese colleagues through the conclusion of cooperation agreements.

Under the agreement, the parties should develop a mechanism for the exchange of information for timely notification about the passage of important scientific and technological activities.

The agreement also involves facilitating the exchange and promotion of talented professionals and new resources.

The document is valid for three years. Further, each of the parties evaluates the achieved results, and then decides on the extension of the agreement.

Recall that this is not the first experience of cooperation with Chinese partners for Technopark “Idea”. Thus, in November 2014 in China was signed a partnership agreement on cooperation between Technopark “Idea” and the Zone of the Economic and Technological Development of Yancheng (China). The document was signed during a visit of members of the Board of Directors of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), a member of which is CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko from June 2014, in China.

Presentation of Technopark “Idea” in Yancheng has caused interest of promising cooperation from the Chinese side, in this connection, the visit of the members of the Guangdong Association for Science & Technology in Kazan.

Both visits were organized by the Wuxi China-Europe International Technology Transfer Center (WiTTC) headed by the General Director Hang Si, who personally visited Technopark “Idea” as part of the Chinese delegation.

For reference: the Guangdong Association for Science & Technology is a mass organization formed by technology workers, and a major force to develop science and technology in Guangdong province.  GDSTA is set up on November 17, 1961 in Guangzhou; now it has associations, societies, research institutes totaled 158, city-level science and technology associations totaled 21, county-level science and technology associations totaled 121, direct companies totaled 5. 

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