24 june 2015

11 years ago, Tatarstan innovative infrastructure has started its development with the appearance of three of the firstborn – the most important elements of development of innovative economy of the Republic. The locomotives of the innovative composition of the Republic of Tatarstan became the sites of Technopark “Idea”, Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok” and Kama Industrial Park “Master”.

Starting small, Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok” had a huge path of development. Thanks to the wise leadership and the work of well-organized team there have been implemented many challenging projects and difficult tasks.

Let the accumulated experience will help in achieving new victories and conquering of the more difficult peaks.

We appreciate your openness, professionalism and focus on results.

The team of the Technopark “Idea” wishes the colleagues further prosperity and sustainable development.

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