3 july 2015

About 40 schoolchildren of the Republic of Tatarstan, who love to study and understand the chemistry, visit the objects of innovation infrastructure in Kazan with the purpose of possible building a career as an innovative entrepreneur.

Meeting in Technopark “Idea” began with a direct question from guys: “What is the Technopark at all?”. Introducing with the firstborn of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic and his activity started with the basics for those who visited Technopark for the first time and with repetition for those who visit the Technopark in the 2nd and 3rd times in the framework of the Orbital.

As the guys became more familiar with the history of Technopark, the principles of its operation and success stories, they were immersed themselves in the role of the innovative entrepreneur, and were asked not childish questions from “How much will you give me money to implement my idea, and what would happen if I will not live up to expectations?” to “You are not profitable, why are you even doing this?”.

Evgeniy Malikov, head of PR Department of Technopark, who conducted the presentation, noted that each of the students’ questions has deep meaning and understanding of the situation. “By the end of the meeting, the guys are already out of the role of young businessmen, and began to argue from the point of view of the Government of the Republic”, - said Evgeniy. “Many wondered if Technopark is not included in the share of companies created, why Technopark helps entrepreneurs?”.

 “The main objective of such meetings is not only to show the guys the simplicity and potential of organization of their own businesses, but also to dispel the myths about obscurity and opacity of structures working with young entrepreneurs”, - said Evgeniy Malikov.

For reference:

Summer profile school “Orbital” is a kind of summer school camp that combines summer holiday and active studies in the field of chemistry. In Kazan, the camp is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Kazan National Research Technological University and has been held annually since 1972. The school program includes lectures, work of facultatives, extensive sports and entertainment programs.

9,975 students from all regions of the country were combining active recreation with the deepening of knowledge in the natural sciences in the summer school for 44 years of its activity. On the basis of “Orbital” was held the All-Union meeting of young chemists of the country (1977) and three International schools with the participation of students from Germany, Bulgaria and Poland.

Among those who were engaged in the profile school, only in Kazan are currently working Academician Oleg Sinyashin, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Mironov, more than 25 professors in the  Kazan State Technological University (Kazan Chemical and Technological University),  Kazan State University, Kazan State Medical University, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A.E. Arbuzov. Students were given lectures by prominent scientists of the country - academics B.A. Arbuzov, A.V. Novoselova, I.A. Petryanov-Sokolov, M.I. Kabachnik, I.A. Tarchevsky, A.I. Konovalov, P.A. Kirpichnikov, I.S. Antipin.

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