8 july 2015

The work of the school, organized with the support of the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, as well as a number of enterprises of high-tech profile, will run until July 8, 2015. Leading operator of the project is Autonomous Non-profit Educational Organization “School League”.

The school is held annually in different cities of Russia. In 2011 it was held in Penza, in 2012 - in Kazan, in 2013 - in Moscow, in 2014 - in Togliatti. Jubilee, the fifth session was decided to be held in Saransk.

This year the event has gathered about 350 people, including more than 250 students from 45 schools from 23 regions of the country, including the Republic of Mordovia, two capitals and other large and small cities and towns, and 100 volunteer students, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs and business professionals. In the camp they are called residents or nanogrades, as the logic of the Summer School is associated with the idea of the city-technopark, where pupils, students, teachers, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia and abroad are working for ten days in the unity of business, education, science and cultural. Nanogrades are creating by themselves the aesthetics of the city, controls and events of the Summer School — intellectual, creative and sports.

In the fifth season there have started new activities of Nanograd – Art-Project “BESTiariy” and “Wheel of Success”, which will allow online to all residents of the city to participate in a unique laboratory for research, experiments, testing of hypotheses and the construction of scientific predictions.

Traditionally, the Academy of Nanograd has opened its doors in the city, where pupils and adults choose their own educational path, which includes lectures, workshops, participation in discussions, round tables and business games. Among the teachers of the Academy is CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, who will hold a master class on the theme of “Technopark as an institution of development of modern scientific ideas”.

The long-awaited moment of the opening of the Summer School is an presentation of real business cases for students-interns teams from 10 innovation, including nanotechnology, companies from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Saransk, Cheboksary. Its “internship sites” will be opened by the leading enterprises and the state corporations of the country — Rosatom, “Himgrad”, “Hevel”, Technopark “Idea”, Autonomous Institution “Technopark Mordovia”, Eidos-Medicine LLC, State unitary enterprise of the Republic of Mordovia “Scientific Research Institute of light sources named after A.N. Lodygin”, CJSC “Optic Fiber Systems”.

Technopark “Idea” presented for nanogrades Case “Robot-patient”, developed together with the resident of Technopark - company “Eidos”. The task for the trainees has been associated with bringing to market a new product, created on the basis of technology “tactile feedback”.

In 2014, Technopark “Idea” together with company HimArt presented to nanogrades case, focused on increasing the productivity of oil wells. During teamwork the students suggested ways of optimizing the production process of fluids for the oil industry.

Defense of cases by the students in front of an expert jury will be held in Nanograd today, July 8, 2015.


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