16 july 2015

The opening of the Center for Prototyping and Implementation of domestic robotics was held in the framework of the implementation of the subprogram “Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014 – 2016 years”.

The Сenter will be a bridge between the small and big business of the Republic of Tatarstan and Naberezhnye Chelny, developing robotic systems by orders of SMEs, required in turn to large enterprises. The total investment amounts to 145 million rubles. The payback period is 5 years. Means are provided for co-financing by the Government of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and a private investor.

The Center for Robotics is an engineering and production facility, which specializes in the development of a complete system of production - from computer modeling, manufacturing of components and prototypes of robotic systems and equipment to the subsequent technological equipment (implementation) to the enterprises-participants of the Kama Innovative Territorial Industrial Cluster.

The main purpose of the Center is the organization of interaction of small and medium-sized enterprises, namely enterprises, engaged in the development and modernization of robotic systems with companies that need automation. The Center will also provide services for prototyping for interested industries, such as architecture, design packaging, souvenirs, small-scale production, medicine, functional testing, jewelry, dentistry, electronics, the Internet sales.

Timur Satdarov, Commercial Director of LLC “Eidos-Robotics” (and also Director of JSC “Center for Prototyping and Implementation of Domestic Robotics”), admitted that in fact there will be two centers of areas: in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny.

— Here we are opening Chelny area, it will be implementation. In Kazan we will have a developer who will be engaged in prototyping and developing robots of the new generation. In fact, it will be a technical show-room, where the SMEs will all be demonstrated, - he said.

The objectives of the two centers of robotics, Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny, were announced last year: the project purposed “the presence of high-tech and experimental production in the field of digital technologies precision of casting, three-dimensional printing and three-dimensional scanning with the subsequent certification of product quality”. The Center “is aimed at the introduction of industrial robotics of the third generation and provides a full cycle of production from computer-aided design, manufacturing of prototypes prior to their implementation in enterprises”.

The event took place on the territory of Industrial Park “Chelny”, where are placed the first operating samples of domestic industrial robotics with machine vision system, created by the development team of the company “Eidos-Robotics”.

Source: http://realnoevremya.ru/

Photo: by Sergey Afanasiev, correspondent of “Realnoe Vremya”

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